The initial steps of our organization #Women4Cyber Montenegro were made, to our great satisfaction, in Podgorica, at the rectorate of the University of Montenegro, within the first three days of the #HerCyberTracks international forum.
We were united by the idea of gender equality and the need for greater involvement of women in the digital age, the initiative to help them, support them and become one of them.
The presentation of our chapter was held by the president of the association Andreja Mihailović, the vice-presidents Denisa Kurtagić and Neli Rašović, and the education coordinator Isidora Stanković.
The opening speech was dedicated to the University of Montenegro, which was both the host of the aforementioned forum and our partner, whose support is of great importance to our team. The University’s new programs and projects follow the trends and needs for vocations and personnel at the national level, especially in the field of information technology. Critical progress is evident on the path to modernizing this important institution — difficult obstacles, such as inequality, can only be overcome with the aid of quality educational programs.
“Traditionally, the cyber-security industry has been dominated by men, which has been confirmed by the European Commission’s official data on the participation of only 11% of women in the cyber-security industry. However, I am firmly convinced that change is to be expected and that European initiatives, such as the formation of the Women4Cyber chapter in Montenegro, will be a strong support for the participation of women in this domain and the establishment of a more inclusive and stable cyber space”, President Mihailović said.
During the presentation on the founding of the Women for Cyber Montenegro chapter, we highlighted our membership and partnerships, significant events we had attended and initiatives we had joined. The last portion was dedicated to training and group work. Our representatives prepared a simulation of crisis situations resulting from cyber-attacks. Connecting and joining forces is paramount to arriving at a solution; exercises of this kind are crucial part of the learning process.
As both the youngest and branch of the Women for Cyber Foundation – and the latest to join from the Western Balkans – we were greatly honored by the presence of Elena Drago, the official representative of our parent organization, who has graciously offered us critical guidance and support since inception of our formation. We enjoyed the opportunity to share with her ideas and plans for future development.
A number of distinguished guests attended #HerCyberTracks European Forum: ITU Director for Europe Jaroslav Ponder, Slovenia’s Ambassador for Digitalization and Cyber Security Tadej Rupel, UN Resident Coordinator Peter Lundberg, First Secretary of the French Embassy in Montenegro Johann Urhes, and Cyber German Ambassador Regina Grienberger, the latter of whom gave an address.
Given the support provided to this forum by leading European institutions, such as Deutsche Zusammenarbeit, ITU, GIZ, DIPLO and CENAD, the inclusion of our chapter in this event offered substantial motivation to both further our efforts to raise awareness and to maintain a strong partnerships in the area of cyber going forward.
Two of our members, Milana Ranković and Vasilija Velfel, will be actively involved in the course for diplomacy and cyber security in the two months that follow this forum, and they will be glad provide updates on their experience in our coming posts.