The Critical Role of Cybersecurity in a World of Rapid Technological Change
Representatives of Women4Cyber Montenegro, Vice President Neli Rašović, and young cyber ambassadors Ksenija Baković Šoljaga and Darinka Bulatović, are participating in the annual Women4Cyber conference titled “BEYOND BORDERS: Joint Responses to New Cyber Challenges,” held on October 3-4, 2024, in The Hague. This event has brought together leading experts in the field of cybersecurity, including […]
Women4Cyber Montenegro na InfoSec konferenciji: Edukacija i osnaživanje žena ključ za napredak u sajber bezbjednosti
Predstavnici Women4Cyber Montenegro učestvovali su na “Women4Cyber Regional Track” u okviru InfoSec konferencije, održane uz podršku TeleGroup-a, u Budvi. Ksenija Baković Šoljaga, konsultantkinja u W4C Montenegro, tokom panela pod nazivom “Women4Cyber in the Region” poseban akcenat stavila je na važnost edukacije djevojčica od najranijeg uzrasta. „Moramo osnažiti djevojčice da vjeruju u sebe i da budu ravnopravne. Treba ih […]
Cyber Violence Against Women
Why and how much are 21st-century women exposed to online violence? Are women more exposed to violence than men? Pornography as the most common form of online violenceHatred towards women with artificial intelligenceHow to protect women from this form of violence? The 21st-century woman is a modern woman, strong, educated, and as such, she is […]
Disinformation as a Growing Cyber Threat
In an era where information freely and instantly circulates around the globe, the threat landscape has expanded beyond traditional cyber attacks. One of the most insidious threats we face today is disinformation. Disinformation does not directly damage systems or steal data, but it undermines trust, sows discord, and can even disrupt entire societies. Disinformation refers […]
Pervasive Threats: Phishing and Social Engineering
Phishing, by definition, involves sending fraudulent communications, most commonly emails,that appear to come from a known, trusted source. The goal is to steal sensitive data likepasswords, credit card numbers, or other personal information. Phishing emails often lookconvincing, fully replicating the typical appearance of a company’s email and usually includeurgent calls to action, such as clicking […]
AI hallucinations
By the term AI hallucination we mean the phenomenon that occurs when AI finds patterns that do not exist, thus creating answers that are incorrect or completely fabricated. This occurs when the algorithm does not generate answers based on the data it has, when incorrectly interpreting or not interpreting the corresponding pattern at all. To […]
The Use of AI and ML as Transformative Technologies in Cybersecurity
Traditional, common security measures may no longer be sufficient to protect information and systems in an era where threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Technologies that not only enhance security mechanisms but also predict threats and ensure effective and swift responses have thus become indispensable in the field of cybersecurity. In this context, the powerful duo […]
What are man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks? Significance, trends, and how to protect yourself
Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks represent a serious threat in the world of cyber security. In these attacks, an attacker inserts themselves between two parties who are communicating, intercepting and potentially altering the information exchanged without the knowledge of the legitimate users. This can include accessing sensitive data such as passwords, credit card numbers, and trade secrets. […]
How Digital Skills Protect Our Cyber World
In a world where digital technology permeates every aspect of our lives, the ability to use this technology efficiently and securely becomes crucial. With over 4.66 billion active internet users worldwide, the importance of digital skills cannot be overstated. However, statistical data show that a large number of people still lack the basic digital skills […]
Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Artificial Intelligence in the Field of Cybersecurity
When discussing cybersecurity, we cannot overlook the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in this field. Simple algorithms cannot detect the more advanced forms of cyber attacks, and the implementation of artificial intelligence is becoming a crucial link in defense. One of the main benefits is AI’s ability to process large amounts of data in […]