Partnership between the ESDC and W4C Montenegro

The Vice President of the Woman4Cyber Montenegro, Ms. Denisa Kurtagic, attended the Executive Academic Board on Cyber of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC), May 23rd in Brussels This was the official premiere of the Woman4Cyber (W4C) Montenegro as non-government organisation with the aim of promoting the vision and mission of the organisation with […]

Foundation of Women4Cyber BiH

The representative of CIRT.ME participated in the official presentation of the establishment of the organization – Women4Cyber Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo on March 18. Women4Cyber is a non-profit European foundation with the aim of promoting, encouraging and supporting the participation of women in the field of cyber security. The establishment of the W4C organization in Bosnia […]

Team #women4cyber Montenegro attended the #V4WB seminar in Ohrid, North Macedonia

At the workshop “Spreading awareness of hybrid threats – Strengthening resilience in the Western Balkans”, the representatives of the countries of the region, discussed about the ways to improve internet security. In the increasingly growing era of the Internet and artificial intelligence, there is an expansion of obscure and vague concepts, and therefore a clear […]