The Vice President of the Woman4Cyber Montenegro, Ms. Denisa Kurtagic, attended the Executive Academic Board on Cyber of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC), May 23rd in Brussels This was the official premiere of the Woman4Cyber (W4C) Montenegro as non-government organisation with the aim of promoting the vision and mission of the organisation with specific emphasis of woman participation in cyber, trough education and professional development. Moreover, the five core pillars of the future work of W4C Montenegro: Cyber Defence, Cyber Resilience, Cyber Diplomacy, Social Engineering and Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in building cybersecurity capacities, as well as its strategic partnerships. In that regards, the W4C Montenegro will support the implementation of the ESDC cyber skills framework e.i. set of tailored cyber expert trainings and life long education program.
During the Meeting, Ms. Kurtagic had various discussions on future cooperation and expansion of partnership between the ESDC and W4C Montenegro.