Young Cyber Ambassadors Program in Montenegro: The First Generation of Women4Cyber Montenegro Ambassadors

We are proud to announce that, for the first time in Montenegro, the international Women4Cyber young cyber ambassadors program is being implemented, part of the European Women4Cyber Foundation network based in Brussels. This prestigious program aims to empower women in cybersecurity, promote gender equality, and develop the capacities of young women in Montenegro, preparing them to be leaders in this strategically important sector. Women4Cyber Montenegro, as part of this European initiative, proudly leads this mission in our country, opening doors for women who wish to contribute to a safer digital future. The results of this program will be presented at the annual W4C conference during the prestigious Cyber Week in The Hague, providing Montenegro a unique opportunity to stand out on the European cyber map.

Program Goals:

  • Inspiration through examples: Through their experiences, young ambassadors serve as role models and inspiration, guiding other women towards successful careers in cybersecurity. Their stories and achievements serve as motivation and an indicator of possibilities in this dynamic sector.


  • Community engagement: By connecting with the local community, engaging with students, and establishing links with decision-makers, young ambassadors contribute to spreading awareness of the importance of cybersecurity.


  • Social media campaign: Through an online campaign and content, the program contributes to spreading positive messages and information, promoting the inclusion of women in this key sector.

Aligned with the Women4Cyber mission, this program not only provides knowledge and skills but also enables young women to connect with leaders across Europe, adopting best practices and innovative approaches in cybersecurity.

Young cyber ambassadors are also active within the Cybersecurity Challenge Lab, an innovative educational project designed to simultaneously develop their capacities and professional skills in cybersecurity. This project, launched under the sponsorship of the Ulysseus Innovation Hub for Cybersecurity at the University of Montenegro - a strategic partner of Women4Cyber Montenegro - provides opportunities for hands-on learning and development through collaboration with industry and the public sector, assembling a team of practical experts.

We are proud to introduce the first generation of young cyber ambassadors of Montenegro:

  1. Ms Nina Perisic

  2. Ms Jovana Vukovic

  3. Darinka Bulatovic

  4. Ksenija Baković

  5. Manja Ivanovic

Each of these talented women has demonstrated exceptional potential and dedication to advancing cybersecurity, laying the foundation for career development in this field. As the coordinator of this prestigious program in Montenegro, we are pleased to also introduce Ms. Neli Rašović, whose vision and commitment have been invaluable in realizing this project.

This program marks the beginning of a journey where women from Montenegro have the opportunity to achieve not only local but also global impact in cybersecurity. Women4Cyber Montenegro will continue to implement policies that promote gender equality, inclusivity, and the participation of women in cybersecurity and the ICT sector. We invite you to follow the development of these exceptional young women who are already contributing to the development of our cyber capacities and becoming role models for future generations.

Nina Perisic, LLM, Youth Cyber Ambassador

It’s a pleasure to be part of this mission which is focused on empowering women and showing that they are not only participators, but also valuable contributors when it comes to shaping a more secure future in cyber-world.

Jovana Vukovic, MA, Youth
Cyber Ambassador

Empowering women in cybersecurity is not only a step towards gender equality but also a key to strengthening the digital defense of Montenegro. By building a more inclusive and skilled workforce, we ensure that our nation stands strong in the face of evolving cyber threats.

Darinka Bulatovic, Youth Cyber Ambassador

I’m proud to be a part of organization whose work is helping young women find their place in cyber world.

Ksenija Bakovic, Youth Cyber Ambassador

Women have shown countless times that they have the power to change the world. Developing cyber security awareness is our mission.


Manja Ivanovic, Youth Cyber Ambassador

Every step I learn in W4C is not just my personal achievement , but also a step toward creating a safer cyber space for everyone!

President Women4Cyber Montenegro

Andreja Mihailovic, PhD

Women4Cyber Montenegro proudly launches the first Young Cyber Ambassadors program, strategically connecting Montenegro with cutting-edge European initiatives in the field of cybersecurity. This prestigious program establishes a platform for the development of highly skilled female leaders who will play a pivotal role in strengthening Europe’s digital resilience and cybersecurity. Through collaboration with leading European institutions and experts, we are empowering a new generation of women to contribute to a safer, more innovative, and inclusive digital Europe, confident that our ambassadors will become drivers of positive change on the global cyber stage.

Vice President Women4Cyber Montenegro, Coordinator, Youth Cyber Ambassador Programme

Neli Rasovic, MA

Empowering the next generation of women in cybersecurity is about more than developing skills, it’s about cultivating a security culture that endures. Through this programme, we are shaping leaders who will drive innovation and protect the integrity of our digital future. These young women are bridging Montenegro with global trends in cybersecurity, ensuring that our country keeps pace with the evolving demands of this critical field.

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